Your services is superb. and I slowly start to love you. It will be on my day to day or even hour to hour MUST view. Reason why
- Your service is really simple
- Serve the need with only 140 Character cause i'm too lazy to read alot of words&text nowadays
- and most importantly. You proved me today. I just following 250 people and today my follower up to 67..what a wonderful. I bet you wont get this with other services..
Quick Info
If you want to know how many Malaysians registered with Twitter. I refer to here.
Ashton Kutcher is having followers(2mil++) within 5 Month??? how he did that?
Yea, twitter is great! Try to find a software that will add follower automatically. U can add thousands of followers in a day.
ReplyDeleteYeah. But do they really followers. that is the things might need to consider also. But, i might think of that for the experiments. :)