Thursday, June 4, 2009

Almost everyone has their own Business Site/Blog

Do you agree above title?? I bet you do..Nowadays, when we thinking about business..the first or second or third of TO DO LIST will be create a site/blog.. To get a site is pretty easy today. You can even get tons of FREE ebook on how to create site and so.. But, I believe most of us just create a site and know nothing on how to maintain or to get better traffic aka potential buyer.. At least i'm the one of them.

frankly speaking i had created alot of blog and bought domain for my plan business.. but at the stop just like that..easily frustrated when no traffic and buyers.. so what exactly we need to do..I'm also not sure.. I've also read some of successful bloggers and business site..but when it come to me..nothing that i can proud of.. I know, there might be somewhere mistake that i did..but what is that?? see below....
  • I'm not really keep in touch with people.visitor.buyer
  • Easily demotivated when one week or more no calling from buyer.
  • have no money to rolling the capital
  • Too much surfing on other competitors and at the end I felt that I cannot compete with them :)
How about you guys?? anyone feeling like me?


  1. I'm in the same boat,
    I think it's time to change our strategy.
    Be focus @ only one biz ( Say promoting Clickbank)
    Get immediate traffic using Google PPC - offcouse need money la
    Track the ads- always ( see which ads campaign OK , drop the one that is not ok - rugi ma)
    Scale up the good one and monitor the progress if ROI OK then repeat and rinse the process with another good niche.
    At the same time promote using the followings traffic generation :
    Post Articles to Articles directories.
    Posting comments at Forum - dont forget to attach sinaures with your affiliate link
    Join social media web - Squidoo, Facebook, Myspace, Apsense and many2 more.
    Build good landing page to capture email - list is money - blast great email campaign series using autoresponder to your list until they tired and buy .
    Others - up to your creativity
    If all the above still not success then go back to kampung and tanam jagung

  2. True. I second you
    But I like this quote "Be focus @ only one biz "
    always in my mind years ago..But How long normally take you to focus only once business? How you assume that your business is doing well or not well?

    Frankly speaking, most of people do half way job when it come to 6 month - 1 year with no income..
